Features of UV laser marking machine


The ultraviolet laser marking machine uses a wavelength of 355mm, Fiber Laser Marking Machine and the 355 ultraviolet focusing spot is extremely small, which can greatly reduce the mechanical deformation of the material and the processing heat effect is small,Fiber Laser Marking Machine so it is mainly used for ultra-fine marking and engraving, especially suitable for use It is used in food,Fiber Laser Marking Machine pharmaceutical packaging materials marking,Fiber Laser Marking Machine micro-hole drilling, high-speed division of glass materials, and complex graphic cutting of silicon wafers.

The ultraviolet laser marking machine has the following advantages: excellent performance of the ultraviolet laser marking machine, uniform power density of the laser, stable output power, and very small light spot. The applicability of the laser marking machine is very wide, it can supplement the defects that other laser equipment cannot process, and it can also perform ultra-fine marking. The ultraviolet laser marking machine has a small heat affected area, which can reduce the loss of the product and increase the yield of the product. The design of the ultraviolet laser marking machine is flexible and can be assembled with manual or automatic working methods. The ultraviolet laser marking machine has no consumables, and the maintenance cost and use cost are low.

Because the laser marking machine is controlled by computer software,Fiber Laser Marking Machine it is very convenient to use. Whether it is marking a variety of patterns or the text language of different countries,Fiber Laser Marking Machine the ultraviolet laser marking machine can also mark on the product. The content you want can show a different kind of romance.

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